Sunday, February 16, 2014

A Cup of Nepali Chia

No, I didn't misspell chai in the heading. The people of Nepal drink chia. It is essentially the same beverage.

My son-in-love is from Nepal, and in a few months, he, my daughter, and three of my grandtreasures will go there to live for a couple years. So I find myself searching for a recipe for this delicious drink. Though he makes what I consider to be the best chia in the world, he does it instinctively, not from a recipe
       On many cold winter days when I'd visit, he'd ask, "You want some tea, mum?" I knew what he meant and responded with an eager yes. I love this spiced, milk-based tea. Though I wouldn't swear to it, I do believe it has certain healing qualities. At least, it soothes the soul, comforts the spirit, and inspires my writer's soul.
       As I write this, the meadow behind my home wears a mantel of white. A steaming cup of chia right now would be so marvelous. Once I find a good recipe, I'll share it with you. Fortunately, there is a small Asian grocery about a half-hour down the road, so I should be able to get all I need, including the special strong, curled tea that's required.

Request: Do you happen to have a chai recipe you use? Would you be so kind as to share it in a "Comment"? I'd appreciate it.